Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Do you ever get that feeling where you can just never relax? I get this feeling when I am taking a class for school or if things need to be done around the house. I get this feeling of uneasiness and can never really settle down. I work 10 hours a day Monday through Thursday and I feel like when I come at night I eat dinner, watch a bit of TV and try to focus on homework or tidy up the house a bit. I feel as if I don't have time to do anything other then these things Monday through Thursday. I worry about the future and I am going to be a mom someday and juggle all of this still! How am I going to do it? I am already exhausted every night and I am just taking care of my self and my husband. It's a really scary thing to think about, because I am 100% I am not going to have the luxury of being able to be a stay at home mom or able to just work part time . I enjoy my work, but it sure is exhausting because when I am at work I am giving 150%.

On a happier note I finally signed up for undy 5000 on Saturday morning in. It is a colon cancer 5k. I have been doing this yearly with my mom! I feel closer to colon cancer because my mom was affected by it. She was diagnosed in May 2005, seems like forever ago but it sure has taken a toll on her. She is the most amazing strongest woman that I know. I HATE CANCER! It has affected too many people in my life. It needs to leave my family alone. I wish there were easier less painful cures to go along with Cancer! GRR!

BTW did anyone see Gossip Girl this week? It's my FAVORITE show.. I think for now on I will end my blogs with "xoxo" like they do on that show ;)



1 comment:

  1. I'll see you at the Undy on Saturday! :) I'm running it with a couple friends.

    Ps I like the XOXO :)
