Wow, the last time I wrote something was December 27th, and here it is February 27th! 2 months have gone by! Time flies by when you are having fun right?!
I have really gotten into working out these days. Actually both Tim and I are really into it! We go just about everyday. I go to a Zumba class at least 3 times a week and I absolutely love it. I highly recommend it to everyone.
In the meantime as well Tim and I decided to stop doing the fertility treatment. It was becoming too expensive plus it was making me depressed when I found out 2 months in a row that it didn't work. We are going to try the natural route. I got pregnant once right?! And now that I have "normal" uterus hopefully things will work out. I have an appointment this Friday at a chiropractor. Apparently, they can help you with fertility naturally which works for me! Why not try right? I am trying to have a positive look out on it, and it really has helped. I am all about trying natural. I have stopped caffiene because apparently this is another thing that prevents pregnacny? I'll take anything at this point that is easy for me to do. I try not to think daily about pregnancy although face book makes this VERY, VERY hard. I actually have thought about inactivating my page once and awhile but I love the coupons and deals I see daily posted! Maybe sometime soon I will. Yesterday we went to the Renaissance festival. We went with some friends and Tim's cousins and child Logan. Logan's parents had to run some errands so we kept Logan with us a little longer. Tim told me on the ride home that he loved having the responsibility of a child and is ready for this! It brought tears to my eyes because I know and have known for a long time that we are SO ready! But it is nice to hear Tim say it out loud. I think he holds it in a lot because he knows how badly I want it and he wants to be strong for us. It has to happen soon it just has too!
My brother has recently moved in. This has brought on some fun and also some getting used too. I am a very neat person, and well my brother not so much. It takes all of my sometimes to just turn my head as I pass his room etc. Oh well...
Btw, I just celebrated my 10 years at Children's Dental Village aka my job. Wow, I can't believe that! I am getting old.
Until next time,
Glad to see you are writing again Jessica! And I admire your attitude. Sometimes "surrender" is the way to go - the path to heart's desire. And I know for a fact that writing is one way to work through things. Keep up the good work! Your grandma loves you more and more and more.